Wednesday, 19 November 2014

The Loophole:

Every writer who writes fiction knows this. Whenever the writer creates a fictional universe they create some rules which the characters in the universe have to abide by. The author has full freedom to create the rules, no matter how crazy they are to set the premise. However once the rules are created, the scene is set and the characters start living by those rules, they cannot be meddled with or changed or dispelled.

In this fictional universe the author is the creator and master. Omnipotent in his kingdom, the author can do anything he wishes except for one thing. He himself must abide by the rules he created, he cannot break them. Since he stands for order in this kingdom, if he easily dispels the rules no one else will be prompted to follow and the whole kingdom will descend into chaos.

Thus said whenever rules are created in a universe care must be taken to avoid the rules from being too lengthy, descriptive and elaborate. The rules must allow a certain degree of freedom and flexibility and cannot be rigid. It cannot close every loophole because then the creator of this universe himself will become a prisoner to the rules. To retain mastery and omnipotence over his universe, the creator should have loopholes to change, append or modify and intervene wherever necessary.

When God created the universe along with the universe came a rule. All of the earth had to abide by a single rule, an unmovable, unshakable command. The price of sin is death.

Then Adam and Eve came forth and started living in this world governed by this single principle. However they were not mindless puppets of the Creator. They were liberal individuals with the full ability to exercise free will. Free will -  the ability to choose good or evil.

Immortal beings in paradise having every little thing they could ever ask for. However they would not have free will if they had no opportunity to do wrong. A good child is not a good child if he is in an environment where he can simply do no wrong. True goodness comes when both good and bad circumstances are present and the child chooses to abstain from wrongdoing despite having the opportunity to do so.

In the Garden of Eden temptation presented itself in the form of the the tree of knowledge and the deceitful snake. Adam and Eve had the ability to choose good or evil. And they made their choice. They disobeyed.

And the price of sin was death.

The rules that God the Father set when he created the universe had been broken. God who stood for order in this world could not break the rules that He Himself had set. If Order Himself dispelled the rules, the world would be thrown into chaos. If He broke the rules who else would abide by it? By nature everything that came from His lips were eternal, ever enduring like Himself and His Word came to fruition.

Adam and Eve were no longer immortal. Now they were destined to die a dreary human death. And their fruit, their children, all of mankind were destined to the same fate. Tainted by the same sin all were condemned to die.

God however with His unceasing mercy immediately focused all of Creation towards a plan for our salvation. Yes, He could not break the rule that He Himself had set but there was a loophole.

He loved His Creation so much He could not abandon us to our fate.

The price of sin had to be paid. But the rules didn't say by whom it had to be paid. Mankind was condemned to death and could not save themselves. But someone else could.

Father, Spirit, Son. Three distinct but in essence one.

An immortal being. One who could not die but would willingly pay the price. Whose death would be our salvation.

The loophole in the Divine Rule. Jesus.

And He came down from heaven. Fully human and fully divine. Mortal yet immortal. And he paid the price for all our sin. He came to save us who could not save ourselves.

Death could not kill Him who was immortal. Hell could not hold Him who was Divine. All had to bow in front of the power of God.

And we were free once more.

Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound
That saved a wretch like me
I once was lost, but now am found
Was blind but now I see

And Grace will lead me home.

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