Wednesday, 31 December 2014

The Year in Review: A mixed bag

So finally its that time of the year.

I remember when I was ten years old, I watched my aunt sit at home on the 31st of December, looking at the walls of her house and recounting the many blessings she had during the year. What struck me the most was the serene expression with which she sat, contented with the year's events, quietly accepting every good and bad moment.

This left a profound impact on me and ever since I have followed in her footsteps.

2014 was an unusual year. It oscillated from rock bottom to euphoria so quickly that it gave me whiplash. Even though the year was not filled with many good moments there are quite some significant learnings that I had throughout.

I learnt that most relationships were a season and didn't last forever. It gave me a lot of inner peace to finally let go of certain relationships that were causing instability and that I was holding unto stubbornly. There are of course some people in my life whom I wish would last for more than a season and I pray that God honors this desire of my heart.

I realized who my true friends are. They say that friendship's truest test is adversity and some beautiful people really came through. In fact the biggest blessing that I had this year were these few people who went all out, patiently teaching me, correcting me, praying for me and helping me smile again.

I got the courage to make few major decisions, especially career decisions. Even though there is a bit of uncertainty, quitting my old job was the best thing I've ever done.

Lots of amazing times spent with the teens who are so vibrant and joyful that its infectious. I rediscovered the joy of ministry and the several retreats and moments we spent with each other throughout the year are truly memorable.

I decided to be in charge of my own happiness, decisively spending time with positive people. We did many things together, watching movies, sleepovers, random moments spent in the holy mobile. In addition I took many pictures and videos of these special moments to remind me later. I also cut down on the over-thinking and negativity a lot. Finally Growth!

I decided to allow my faith in love overcome my fear of rejection and I must say its paying off. I also learnt to embrace myself as I am, in my uniqueness and am at every moment truly trying to be wonderfully me. Being comfortable in my own skin is the best thing ever.

I had always had a huge anti-male streak in me. The men in my life were not exactly shining examples of humanity either so that didn't help much. However I believe God corrected those paradigms by introducing some wonderful boys in my life who are such gems of human beings that my prejudices about men no longer exist.

I learnt in the harshest way possible about the dangers of judging others. Suffice to say I will try my best to be open minded at all times.

I started writing once more after the longest hiatus in history. Blogging is something I really enjoy and a wonderful platform to express my chaotic thought process.

I truly treasure the times spent with Amu, Varsha, Achu, Aby and Joshua throughout the year. Every moment was beautiful and contributed towards healing my brokenness.

All in all I would say in spite of all the bad things that happened, this year was a beautiful year. It was a year that brought hope back into my life and I am looking forward to the new year with a lot of peace flooding from within.

Most of all thank you Jesus for constantly loving and being there for me.

Wish you all a Happy and Prosperous New Year!

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