I'm always wondering why I have to say goodbye to people so often.
From the beginning relationships haven't been normal for me. I've always oscillated between two extremes, either we get super close or we remain superficial, there is no in between. The superficial relationships always tend to last for a surprisingly long time, the people I genuinely care about always leave within a few years.
It's not as if there wasn't anything to learn from those relationships that ended, I've always had to learn very significant things. Yet sometimes I wonder if I could learn and still get to keep them.
My mind is my biggest obstruction. Since I crave closure and resolution so badly, when the relationship is hanging by a thread, I cut the thread. There can be no in between.
It saddens me when people move on so quickly, because I always keep people in my heart and their importance never dwindles over time. When too much time has passed for me to resurrect old memories with them, I let them go and cherish those memories in the quiet of my heart. What I have shared with them is mine and no one can take away.
In a world of temporary things, I am a girl of forever. When I told you that you are my friend I meant that for life. Even if you are not there.
Saying farewell over and over again has taught me to adapt. It hurt like crazy the first time, then it just stung and now it's become easy.
Somehow I feel like I'm being prepared to say farewell to many more people in the future.